The British Academy for Training and Development present this training course (Legal Strategies of Contractual Negotiation and Contract Drafting) to establish the correct basis and scientific principles of the legal rules and regulations of Scientific Legal Drafting Methods of contracts and negotiations, concerning various types of agreements and contracts, including Sales contracts, Lease, and other types of contracts. A wide variety of experts, legal advisers, & law professors would actively participate in this course for the optimal benefit of trainees.
This course is provided in order to familiarize trainees with the importance of drafting contracts and legal documentations in light of all major modern developments in the legal sector, due to the ongoing IT revolution and its implications in the legal sector, which have changed the aspects of international business transactions. Preparation of legal contracts currently requires more flexible and harmonized legal consideration, to cope with the changing commercial environments. Therefore legal personnel are required to acquire advanced knowledge in the commercial, financial and even technical aspects that form the basis of most contracts. In this sense, the objective of this course is to introduce trainees to new legal skills in the field of negotiation and the modern strategies of drafting contracts.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:
After completing the program, trainees will be able to master the following topics:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Skills of Writing Legal Notes and Legislative Drafting